The eleventh Southern California Comparative Political Science conference will be hosted by Scott Desposato at UCSD on September 30, 2016. A .pdf version of the program can be downloaded here: Program
There is no registration fee but as lunch will be provided, we do need a head count. Please register by sending an email to indicating whether you plan to join us for lunch and/or dinner by September 20. If you have already RSVPed, we will assume you plan to attend both lunch and dinner (so please RSVP again if that is incorrect).
Session I:Â 10:45-12:00
Melissa Ziegler Rogers & Dong-wook Lee  (CGU)
Measuring Regional Inequality for Political Research [.pdf]
Discussant: Benjamin Brewer (UCSD)
Eunyoung Han  (CGU)
Market Liberalization and Ideological Polarization in Developing Countries [.pdf]
Discussant: Dotan Haim (UCSD)
Lunch:Â 12:00-12:45
Session II:Â 12:45-2:00
Jonghyuk Lee  (UCSD)
Who Works the Hardest in One Party Dictatorship? Career Incentives and Redistributive Consequences in China [.pdf]
Discussant: David Fortunato (Texas A&M)
Mitch Downey (UCSD)
Losers Go To Jail: Congressional Elections and Union Officer Prosecutions [.pdf]
Discussant: Â Georgia Kernell (UCLA)
Session III:Â 2:15-3:45
Gilles Serra  (CIDE)
Contagious Democratization: Why do Rival Parties Adopt Primaries at the Same Time? [.pdf]
Discussant: Paul Zachary (UCSD)
Annika Freden (Gothenburg)
Balancing Coalition Outcomes via a Strategic Vote. A Consideration Set Model Approach [.pdf]
Discussant: Christopher Kam (UBC)
Francisco Garfias (UCSD)
Elite Coalitions, Limited Government, and Fiscal Capacity Development: Evidence from Bourbon Mexico [.pdf]
Discussant: Geoff Allen (UCSB)
Session IV:Â 4:00-5:15
Timothy Peterka  (UC Davis)
Traditional Chiefs and Opposition Party Fragmentation in Africa [.pdf]
Discussant: Don Lee (UCSD)
Matthew Nanes  (UCSD)
From the Bottom-Up: Sectarian Integration of the Bureaucracy and Support for Anti-Government Violence in Divided Societies [.pdf]
Discussant:  Lewis Luartz (UCR)
The Future of SCPI:Â 5:15-5:30
Post-Conference Fun:Â Â TBD.
Each session consists of two-three papers and allows. In order to leave ample room for discussion, paper presenters are asked to keep their presentations under 20 minutes. Discussants should limit their discussion to 10 minutes. Presenters are asked to provide the discussants with copies of their papers in a timely manner (the email addresses are embedded in this link):Â EMAIL THE DISCUSSANTS. Your papers will also be posted on the SCPI website unless you indicate a preference for it not being posted.
To be confirmed. A map of campus can be found here.