SCPI I Conference, Feb. 18, 2011:
Kathleen Bawn (UCLA) & Zeynep Somer-Topcu (Vanderbilt)
Government versus Opposition at the Polls: How Governing Status Affects the Impact of Policy Positions
Florence So (UCLA)
The Consequences of Party Leadership Change on Democratic Elections
Garrett Glasgow (UCSB), Matt Golder (PSU), & Sona Golder (PSU)
New Empirical Strategies to Model the Government Formation Process
Miriam Golden (UCLA), Toke Aidt (Cambridge) & Devesh Tiwari (UCSD)
Criminality and Incumbency of Candidates to the National Legislature in India
James Adams (Davis), Caitlin Milazzo (Davis)  & Jane Green (Manchester)
Are Voter Decision Rules Endogenous to Parties’ Policy Strategies? A Model with Applications to Elite Depolarization in Post-Thatcher Britain
Jae H. Shin (UCLA)
Why Personalistic Parties? The Choice of Candidate-Centered Electoral Systems in New Democracies