Conference Program – USC, Feb. 3rd 2012

The third Southern California Comparative Political Science conference will take place at USC Price School of Public Policy on February 3, 2012.   A .pdf version of the program can be downloaded here: Program.


There is no registration fee but as lunch will be provided, a head count is needed.  Please RSVP by sending an email to by January 30 indicating whether you plan to attend.


Chair of Panels: Anthony Bertelli (USC)

Introductions & Lunch: 11:30-12:30

Session I: Elections 12:30-1:45

Christopher Kam (UBC)
Partisanship, Enfranchisement and the Political Economy of Electioneering in the United Kingdom, 1820­‐1906

Francisco Cantu (UCSD)
Gone or Hidden? Identifying Electoral Irregularities in Mexican Local Elections

Discussant: Stephen Haptonstahl  (UC-Davis)

Coffee: 1:45-2:00

Session II: Legislatures 2:00-3:15

Diana O’Brien (Washington Univ./USC)
Legislators’ Motivation, Institutional Arrangements, and Changes in Partisan Affiliations: A Cross-National Analysis of Party Switching

Brian Williams (UCR)
Institutional Change and Roll Call Vote Consensus in the New Zealand House of Representatives

Discussant: Heather Stoll (UCSB)

Coffee: 3:15-3:30

Session III: Institutional Development 3:30-4:45

Benjamin Nyblade  (UBC), Angel O’Mahoney  (RAND)
Home Country Institutions, Migrant Inclusion and the Political Remittance Cycle

Eoghan Stafford (UCLA)
Bootstrap Your Way to Cooperation: Collective Action, Informal Institutions, and Social Networks

Discussant: Melissa Ziegler Rogers (Claremont)

SC2PI Business Meeting: 4:45-5:00

Reception: 5:00-6:00


Each session consists of two papers and runs for an hour and fifteen minutes. In order to leave ample room for discussion, paper presenters are asked to keep their presentations under 20 minutes. Discussants should limit their discussion to 10 minutes. Presenters are asked to provide the discussants with copies of their papers in a timely manner: EMAIL THE DISCUSSANTS. Your papers will also be posted on the SCPI website unless you indicate a preference for it not being posted.


The conference will be held in room 308 inthe USC Price School of Public Policy.  The room is equipped with a computer and presenters should bring their presentations on a flash drive.

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