Conference Program: SC2PI-VI at UCSB, September 20, 2013

The sixth Southern California Comparative Political Science conference will take place at UCSB on September 20. A .pdf version of the program can be downloaded here: Program


There is no registration fee but as lunch and post-conference dinner in an informal setting will be provided, we do need a head count. Please register by sending an email to indicating whether you plan to attend lunch and/or dinner by September 16.



Session I: 10:45-12:00

Eunyoung Ha, Puspa Amri, and Dong-wook Lee (CGU)
The Impact of Government Ideology, Capital Openness, and Exchange Rate Regime on Currency Crisis [.pdf]

Felipe Nunes (UCLA)
Core Voters or Local Allies? The Impact of Decentralization in Presidential Discretionary Allocation in Latin America [.pdf]

Discussant: Tony Bertelli (USC)

Lunch: 12:00-1:00

Session II: 1:00-2:15

Garrett Glasgow (UCSB) and Sona Golder (Penn State)
Jointly Modeling the Choice of Formateur and Government in Parliamentary Democracies [.pdf]

Devesh Tiwari (UCSD)
Party Strength and Candidate Quality in India: Assessing the link between party strength and its ability to attract criminals and wealthy candidates [.pdf]

Discussant: Jim Adams (UC-Davis)

Session III: 2:30-3:45

Sebastián Garrido de Sierra (UCLA)
Eroded Unity and Clientele Migration. An Explanation of the Demise of the PRI Regime [.pdf]

Paul Johnson (UC-Davis)
Virtuous Shirking: Social Identity, Military Recruitment, and Unwillingness to Repress [.pdf]

Discussant:  Indridi H. Indridason  (UCR)

Session IV: 4:00-5:15

Josephine T. Andrews and Richard L. Bairett (UC-Davis)
Institutions and the Stabilization of Party Systems in Central and Eastern Europe [.pdf]

Scott Desposato, Erik Gartzke and Clara Suong (UCSD)
How Popular is Democratic Peace? A Survey Experiment of Political Preferences in Brazil and China [.pdf]

Discussant: Michael Thies  (UCLA)

The Future of SCPI: 5:15-5:20

Post-Conference Fun:  Details coming soon!


Each session consists of two papers and runs for an hour and fifteen minutes. In order to leave ample room for discussion, paper presenters are asked to keep their presentations under 20 minutes. Discussants should limit their discussion to 10 minutes. Presenters are asked to provide the discussants with copies of their papers in a timely manner (the email addresses are embedded in this link): EMAIL THE DISCUSSANTS. Your papers will also be posted on the SCPI website unless you indicate a preference for it not being posted.


The conference will take place at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 3814 Ellison Hall (The Pritchett Room). A campus map can be found HERE.


(i) UC faculty can obtain a reciprocal permit free of charge at the parking services office. The parking services office is by Harder stadium, at the top left corner of the campus map (   You will need to show them your home UC parking permit to obtain the reciprocal permit.  This permit will have faculty status, so we recommend parking in Lot 12, the lot that is closest to Ellison Hall (and which is restricted to faculty and staff).

<p”>(ii) For everyone else, you can purchase a parking permit for the day from any of the permit dispensers located around campus.  These permits will have visitor status, so you will need to park in a visitor lot.  We recommend Lots 16 and 18, the closest visitor lots to Ellison Hall.

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